How To Cope Up With the First IVF-Cycle Failure? Here Is What To Do Next?

 It is a great disappointment when an IVF cycle fails. You might have spent a lot of time, money and energy on the whole process, and your doctor was optimistic and the results were promising. In vitro fertilization is an effective treatment for infertility, and there have been many improvements in technology since it was unsuccessful. MotherToBe is the best fertility & IVF center in Hyderabad that has expertise in successfully dealing with failed IVF cycles or implantation failures. We have the best infertility doctors in Hyderabad who are highly experienced in treating recurrent IVF failures and suggest tailored treatment plans that suit best to your situation.

Should you change doctors? 

It is common to worry that you may have chosen the wrong doctor after experiencing an unsuccessful treatment. Know that it often takes couples more than 1 try before to see the results that they are hoping for. With MotherToBe, being the best fertility & IVF center in Hyderabad, our best fertility specialists in Hyderabad are ready as well as willing to meet  with patients who are going through recurrent IVF failures.

This is the time to think about how things might change course. If you don't feel comfortable moving on from your current doctor, there's nothing wrong with looking for another fertility specialist in Hyderabad. You may be forced to look at others in the city, but if you consider the facts of your situation, you will make a wise decision for your future.       

Why did your IVF treatment fail? 

For example, by identifying it as an implantation problem, suffering a miscarriage or performing a tissue test that detects a chromosomal or genetic disorder as the cause. A meeting with your fertility specialist from the best fertility hospital in Hyderabad will give you the opportunity to discuss this new information, learn how the cycle worked and get a sound treatment plan for the next cycle. If you would like to have counselor help or want to discuss your next plan of action regarding treatment , please contact one of the locations of our best fertility & IVF centers in Hyderabad today.     

If your embryo is healthy and no other problems are apparent, do not despair. In your second IVF cycle, you can still achieve the desired results. One could even consider performing PGs or PGDs on the remaining embryos from the best IVF or IUI center in Hyderabad

Before trying another IVF, talk to top endocrinologists of MotherToBe fertility & IUI center in Hyderabad to see if any adjustments need to be made to the IVF cycle. You and your partner should also seek support to advance your treatment from the best fertility & IVF clinic in Hyderabad if you want to realize your parenthood dreams. 

Proceed with a more informed treatment plan          

Your fertility specialist at MotherToBe fertility & IVF clinic in Hyderabad will review the records of your cycle at your next visit to learn more about the reasons for your cycle, including the results of ovarian stimulation, problems with the quality or quantity of eggs, embryo development and transfer of embryo to your uterus. 

If there is no problem with the egg or embryo, you can have a successful second IVF cycle. However, if there are problems with embryo implantation, especially if the partner is older, the doctors at the leading infertility centre in hyderabad may recommend genetic preimplantation screening (PGS) to test the embryo for your next IVF cycle implantation. Due to difficulties with ovarian stimulation or the amount of eggs, your doctors may consider changing the medications that are used in the stimulation.     

For women who have received insufficient or unviable eggs, donor eggs may be the answer. Donors are screened and up to 30% of their eggs must be healthy.   

Talk to top infertility doctors in Hyderabad and share your concerns about failed IVF. Search for other treatments, tests and evaluations under the caring and compassionate supervision of our medical and supportive staff. 

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